時代: 清朝乾隆時期 (西元1735-1799)
出土地點: 傳世品
尺寸: 高度約:35 cm 口徑:6.7 cm
腹沿約:22.2 cm 足底直徑:14 cm
重量:3,760 g
質地: 瓷器
數量: 1

The foot base shows the exposed clay body and has a fine texture with slight impurities. The craftsmanship of both the interior and exterior is meticulous and refined, using the kaolin clay characteristic of that time. The shape of the piece conforms to the crafting techniques of the mid to late Qianlong period.
The neck is adorned with a gold-painted cherry blossom design surrounded by blue-painted leaf vein patterns. Above the raised shoulder, there are blue-painted auspicious clouds and lotus petal motifs, representing standard decorative patterns of the mid to late Qianlong period. The body of the piece is adorned with blue-painted leaf vein and branch patterns depicting melons, fruits, and peony flowers. The gilded sections feature gilded and carved patterns of melons and flowers, showcasing a skilled technique.
The exterior of the foot base is decorated with banana leaf patterns. The brushwork used in the blue-painted designs is robust and confident. The blue pigment used for the decoration is a standard domestically produced material with a slightly grayish-blue hue, which was commonly used during the Qianlong period for official kiln productions.

The inscription on this piece is a standard six-character seal script mark of the Qianlong period, which reads "Da Qing Qianlong Nian Zhi," indicating that the piece was made during the Qianlong era of the Qing Dynasty.