時代: 清朝中後期 (西元1796-1820)
出土地點: 傳世品
尺寸: 高度:約80 cm 長度:約55 cm
寬度:約20 cm 重量:約30 kg
質地: 黃銅鎏金掐絲琺瑯
數量: 1組2件

They are made of copper with gilded and cloisonné enamel decoration, featuring phoenix motifs. The lids of the incense burners are crowned with gilded and stylized kuifeng, while the phoenixes stand on openwork cloud patterns. The central section of the lid features an openwork design with four openings, within which there are opposing kuilong and kuifeng motifs. The outer area of the openwork is adorned with deep blue enamel, intricately decorated with cloisonné enamel scrollwork floral patterns.
The main body of the burners features phoenix motifs. The phoenixes wear the standard Qing dynasty Qianlong-period headdresses. They exhibit mythical beast-like faces on their chests, and their chests and legs are adorned with cloisonné diamond lattice patterns. Floral and kuilong motifs are present on the wings' front sides. The wings curl upwards, and the tails curl downwards. The feathers and wings' interiors are lined with cloisonné edges, filled with vibrant enamel mineral pigments. Each phoenix carries a cylindrical incense burner on its back. The upper part of the burner's body is adorned with cloisonné scrollwork floral patterns over a deep blue background, while the neck is decorated with a lake-green hue.
The incense burners and the phoenixes are connected by gilded lotus petals in an overlapping manner, showcasing a style typical of the late Qing dynasty Qianlong period.
The overall design is outlined using cloisonné edges, with thick and opaque enamel mineral pigments filling the spaces. Due to the low-temperature firing process, some impurities and sand-like textures can be observed in the enlarged enamel mineral pigments. The color palette and patterns of the enamel are consistent with those commonly found in courtly productions during the mid-to-late Qing dynasty. These cloisonné enamels exhibit a natural patina due to the oxidation of the copper base, resulting in a lustrous and precious appearance.
In comparison to early Qing period brassware, this pair is slightly heavier due to the brass base and lighter in comparison to Ming dynasty gilded copper items. The gilded finish appears brighter and more yellow, adhering to the standard gilding technique of the mid-to-late Qing dynasty. These pieces were crafted using the standard large-scale lost-wax casting method, resulting in exquisite detailing, although some sand holes might be present in localized areas. Minor traces of gilding and cloisonné enamel loss can be observed.