時代: 西元1945年
出土地點: 傳世品
尺寸: 長度:101.5 cm 寬度:60 cm(未含外框)
質地: 水墨工筆國畫
數量: 1

This Musical Bodhisattva Playing the Pipa in Reverse is a copy of a Dunhuang wall painting by Chang Dai-Chien done with mineral point in gongbi style when he was 46 years old. Chang Dai-Chien used the detailed, clean, and powerful gongbi style to copy this Dunhuang wall painting. The bright and colorful painting is matched with gold paper to highlight the posture and clothing of the musical bodhisattva and give the bodhisattva a more 3D feel.
The musical bodhisattva in this painting appears elegant and charming and is full-bodied. Playing the pipa in reverse, the topless and barefoot bodhisattva is surrounded by colorful ribbons that flow with musical rhythm. The toe action of the musical bodhisattva is detailed and realistic, showing slightly thick and elongated digits. This is a habit of Chang Dai-Chien when he draws figures in the gongbi style. On closer observation, Chang Dai-Chien’s strokes are powerful and without hesitation, and continuous without breaks. There are no signs of drafting with a pencil. The painting is detailed and lively, and the clothing and ribbons are clean and pure. These are Chang Dai-Chien’s characteristics during his peak years.
Gold drawing paper used for this painting is of the type often used by Chang Dai-Chien. Because it is difficult to put color on this type of gold paper, the rich and colorful painting highlights Chang Dai-Chien’s skills. The paper itself does not show any signs of distress, but has been re-washed and mounted as a scroll. The skill used in the re-work was incredible, and indicate a framing master from the Sichuan area. However, parts of the mineral coloring still shows slight signs of aging.

Mr. Chang habitually writes his calligraphy directly after dipping in the ink, and does not shake off the excess ink on the inkstone. Thus, the calligraphy characters have different shades and sizes. The calligraphy style on this painting matches that habitually used by Chang Dai-Chien, and the signature is also the same as that used by Mr. Chang during his peak years.
The seal ink contains standard mineral cinnabar component, which is one of the old cinnabar inks favored by Mr. Chang.