時代: 明朝中期 (西元1487-1567)
出土地點: 傳世品
尺寸: 高度:約50/49.5/48.5 cm
重量:6,475/7,115/6,840 g
質地: 銅鎏金 (黃銅)
數量: 1組3件

三寶聖佛為釋迦牟尼佛、寶勝如來佛與藥師佛,法像頭頂有摩尼珠,漩渦型螺髮,臉型偏方、頭部比例較大、耳垂長過下巴,眉心有白毫,眼瞼低垂呈思考狀,身形沉穩端正,上半身面積較大,衣著是半披式僧衣,右肩未完全袒露,而是被袈裟覆蓋,釋迦牟尼佛雙手持說法印,寶勝如來佛持寶勝如來印,藥師佛右手下垂置於膝上、左手掌心向上托藥缽,三件法像皆雙腳盤腿腳掌朝上安坐,底部平。This is a mid-Ming dynasty (court) gold gilded brass Buddha set (three statues) and the Buddhas represented are the Gautama Buddha, the Ratnasambhava, and the Bhaisajyaguru. The head of the statues are decorated with mani beads and have swirl-type hairstyle. Their faces tend to be flat and square and their heads tend to be larger in proportion to their bodies. The ears are long enough that they hang lower than their chins. An urna decorates the middle of their forehead while they appear to be in deep thought. Their postures appear to be calm and upright and the upper part of their bodies take up a larger area. A monk’s robe is worn across their right shoulder so the right shoulder is not exposed. The Gautama Buddha holds his hand in a dhyana-mudra, the Ratnasambhava holds his hand in a Ratnasambhava mudra. However, the Bhaisajyaguru’s right hand is placed on the knee while the left hand holds a medicine bowl. All three Buddhas have their legs crossed in a seated position, with the bottom of their feet facing upward.
背板最外圍是標準明朝中期火焰紋,雙邊底部有魑龍紋,上有香草海象紋,海象上方有標準明朝中期靈芝捲葉紋,背板中央有護持佛法的大鵬金翅鳥,兩側有隨侍仙女,背板上之紋飾皆為標準明朝中期宮廷的紋飾。The backboard is standard mid-Ming dynasty flam pattern. Dragon figures decorate the bottom of the sides of the backboard while the top portion of the backboard is decorated with a sea of herbs. Above the sea pattern are standard mid-Ming dynasty ganoderma and rolling leaf patterns. A large gold-wing Peng bird sits at the center of the backboard to protect the Buddhas while two goddesses stay by their sides. The decorations on the backboards are all standard mid-Ming dynasty court decorations.
蓮座分為三層,最上方為仰覆式蓮座,中間開光部分中心是標準明朝中期的雙龍搶珠紋飾,左右有象紋,兩側是相對的象紋,最下層開光內是蓮花紋,蓮座層層堆疊、做工細緻精美,底部中央有手刻的十字蓮花金剛杵,底部可開啟。The lotus seat is separated into three parts. The top part is the lotus seat, and its middle consecration portion is typical mid-Ming dynasty twin dragon and dragon ball decoration. The left and right side of the lotus seat sports elephant patterns. The bottom consecration has lotus leaf patterns. The lotus seat is stacked in layers and has exquisite workmanship. The center of the base has a cross lotus flower gada. The bottom can be opened.