時代: 宋末元初時期 (西元1241-1301)
出土地點: 傳世品
尺寸: 高度:約60 cm 長度:約50 cm
寬度:約25 cm 重量:18,540 g
質地: 銅鎏金
數量: 1

The statue has a proportionally larger head. The sculpture features a hollowed-out celestial crown with a larger central section, which is a characteristic of the Liao, Jin, and Yuan dynasties. The tall topknot is a distinctive feature of Song Dynasty statues. The facial structure is slightly elongated, with a V-shaped face, reminiscent of the late Southern Song and Liao-Jin-Yuan period statues. The upper body forms an inverted triangle, draped in a lightweight celestial robe with a tied waist belt. The upper part of the body is less ornate, while the lower part of the robe displays the standard Southern Song period rolled leaf pattern, with slightly pointed ends and lotus motifs. Bodhisattva sits in a relaxed posture on a lion. The right hand rests on the bent right knee, and the left hand's palm faces upward. The left leg is crossed in a lotus position. The lion gazes back at Bodhisattva with an open mouth.
This bronze statue was coated with protective red lacquer before gilding, following a method that was no longer used from the mid-Ming period to the Qing Dynasty and modern times. The bronze base has oxidized over time, taking on a black-blue hue. Compared to Qing Dynasty gilded copper bases, it's relatively heavy, distinguishing it from the heavier modern copper bases. The gilding has a deep yellow hue, following the standard gilding technique of the late Song to early Yuan period. The statue was cast using the standard large-scale lost-wax casting technique, with localized sand holes. Its intricate patterns distinguish it from the casting methods that produce plain or sparsely decorated pieces. Due to its age, about 80 percent of the gilding has worn off, contributing to an overall patina of aging and lending the statue a warm and smooth texture. The statue's original base has been missing for a long time, and the interior still contains remnants of standard lost-wax casting materials.