時代: 清朝初期 (西元1661-1722)
出土地點: 傳世品
尺寸: 高度:約76.5 cm 長度:約46 cm
寬度:約32 cm
質地: 黃銅鎏金
數量: 1

The statue wears a five-leafed crown, with a square face and elongated earlobes. There is a white dot in the center of each brow, and the lowered eyelids give a contemplative expression. Adorned in a lightweight celestial robe, the figure's posture is natural and dynamic. The hands hold the gesture of expounding the Dharma and grasp wu-ba-la flowers, with a dharma wheel depicted on the right-side wu-ba-la flower and a vase on the left-side one. The statue has a five-body proportion and is seated on a square lotus pedestal. The lotus pedestal consists of two layers of petals, with rounded petals that slightly flare outward, forming a U-shape at the apex. This type of petal arrangement reflects the style of lotus pedestals from the early Qing Dynasty. The base plate is a later addition. On the back of the statue, beneath, there is an inscription in regular script, "Made in the Yongle Year of the Great Ming." This inscription aligns with the characteristics of imitating the Yongle period in the early Qing Dynasty. The removable backplate features conch motifs and curling leaves, common decorative elements from the late Ming and early Qing periods.
The bronze base of this statue is relatively light. Compared to the Ming Dynasty gilded bronze, it's slightly lighter, and notably different from the heavier modern bronze bases. The gilding is bright and yellow, adhering to the standard gilding technique of the early Qing Dynasty. The statue was cast using the standard large-scale lost-wax casting technique, with localized sand holes. The flowing lines of the figure's garments are distinct from the casting methods that produce plain or minimally decorated pieces. The statue has undergone some restoration during the Republican era, and although it has been cleaned and repaired, there are still traces of accumulated oil stains from years of worship. Although the inscription reads "Made in the Yongle Year of the Great Ming," the statue's features, bronze base, gilding color, and lotus petal arrangement align with the characteristics of early Qing Dynasty statues.