時代: 明朝中後期 (西元1572-1644年)
出土地點: 傳世品
尺寸: 長度:約177 cm 寬度:約94 cm
質地: 工筆礦物彩布質壁畫
數量: 1

This piece is a depiction of Amitabha Buddha delivering a sermon from the mid-Ming Dynasty. The mural employs the "hidden painting" technique, also known as the "lama water-land dojo" painting method. The pigments employed are standard natural mineral pigments from the mid-Ming Dynasty. The colors remain vivid, though they exhibit noticeable signs of age and weathering. The intricate detailing of the artwork is reminiscent of the paintings within the Fahai Temple. The postures, attire, adornments, and the swirling cloud painting method of the Bodhisattvas and Guardian Deities are strikingly similar in style, technique, and composition.
The central figure of this painting is Amitabha Buddha, located in the middle-left. The eyes of Amitabha Buddha are cast downwards in contemplation, and their head is proportionally large. His stance is dignified and composed, with the upper body emphasized. He wears a red monastic robe draped over one shoulder. The robe conceals the body, with large, open sleeves extending from the elbows and a wide, low V-neck exposing a decorative skirt. The edges of the robe are adorned with intricate patterns, including the standard mid-Ming Dynasty rolling leaf patterns. The robe's patterns are outlined in gold. Amitabha Buddha's right hand forms the Abhaya Mudra (Fearlessness Gesture) with the palm facing forward, while the left hand rests on the lap with the palm facing upwards. The thumb, index, and middle fingers touch to form the Dharmachakra Mudra (Wheel Turning Gesture). He seated in a meditative posture on a pink lotus throne, situated on a rock.
Above Amitabha Buddha, there is a canopy umbrella, and on both sides are Guardian Deities with hands clasped in prayer. In front of Amitabha Buddha is a demoness with clasped hands, accompanied by her attendant. The attires of Amitabha Buddha, Guardian Deities, and the demoness are all intricately detailed and adorned. The style and craftsmanship of this mural align with the paintings within the Fahai Temple and are indicative of the work of court painters during the mid-Ming Dynasty.